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Terms of Use, Copyright, Trademark & Intellectual Property Policies

Welcome to the website of Anne M. Bachrach, the Accountability Coach. By accessing or using this website, you agree to comply with the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully before using the site.

Effective Date: [2024-09-25]

Last Updated: [2024-09-24]


1. Terms of Use

A. General Information

This website provides online tools and resources for Anne M. Bachrach’s clients, including custom software designed to help clients set, track, and achieve their goals through a unique methodology. The site also includes public and private content, which is for the exclusive use of registered clients in good standing.

B. Client Data

All data entered by clients into the software, such as goals, targets, and progress, remains accessible to clients for their personal use. Clients may copy, print, or screenshot their own data for personal records. However, Anne M. Bachrach reserves unrestricted access to this data for the purposes of providing coaching services.

C. Restrictions on Use

  • Users are prohibited from copying, distributing, modifying, or selling any of the content or services on this website.

  • Content within the logged-in portion of the website is intended solely for registered users and cannot be shared or redistributed, except where a downloadable has been provided for client use.

  • Public content, such as blog posts, may be shared via links, but cannot be copied or otherwise duplicated.

D. User Feedback and Contributions

Any reviews, comments, or feedback provided by users on the site are considered the intellectual property of Anne M. Bachrach. By submitting such feedback, you grant Anne the rights to use and display it as deemed appropriate.

E. Modifications to the Terms

These Terms of Use may be updated from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or to comply with legal requirements. Updates are generally expected to be minor, and we will indicate the date of the latest revision at the top of this page. By continuing to use the site after any changes are made, you agree to the revised terms. We encourage you to periodically review this page to stay informed of any updates.

2. Copyright

All content on this website, including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, images, videos, software, and downloadable materials, is the property of Anne M. Bachrach unless otherwise stated. This content is protected by copyright laws in the United States and other countries. Unauthorized use or reproduction of any content from this site is prohibited.

A. License to Use

Clients are granted a limited, non-exclusive license to access and use the content and services provided on this website for personal, non-commercial use. Any other use, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, or republication of website content, is strictly prohibited without express written permission.

3. Trademarks

The following trademarks are owned by Anne M. Bachrach:

  • The Accountability Coach™

  • The Results Accelerator™

  • The Accountability Pit-Bull™

These and other trademarks that may be displayed on the website are protected by U.S. and international trademark laws. Use of these trademarks without prior consent is prohibited. Other trademarks used on this website may be the property of third parties, and their respective owners retain all rights to those marks.

4. Intellectual Property

A. Ownership

All intellectual property related to the content, services, and software on this website belongs to Anne M. Bachrach. This includes, but is not limited to, the custom-built goal tracking software, which was developed specifically for Anne’s methodology and is used to assist clients in setting and tracking their goals.

B. User-Generated Content

Clients are permitted to enter their own data into the software for personal tracking purposes. This data remains the property of the clients, but by using the site, clients grant Anne M. Bachrach unrestricted access to their data for coaching purposes. Anne also retains ownership of all user-generated feedback, comments, and contributions.

5. Third-Party Content and Links

This website may contain links to third-party websites or include content from third parties. Anne M. Bachrach does not endorse or assume any liability for any third-party content or websites. Users should review the terms of use and privacy policies of any third-party sites they visit.

6. Jurisdiction and Governing Law

These terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, USA, without regard to its conflict of law provisions. Any disputes arising from the use of this website or the services provided shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of California.

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